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Knowledge is key. In real estate this is even more important; whether you are buying your first home, buying an investment property or selling a property. Having the right information will enable you to have a smooth and successful home purchase or sale. We strive to give you this knowledge to help you make the best informed decisions and save you valuable time, money, and stress. Fill out the contact us form and we will give you a call to chat about how we can help you. Have an amazing day.
We are the area's top real estate solutions company helping homeowners and redeveloping our community.
Alright Properties helps homeowners out of any kind of distressed situation. As investors, we are in business to make a modest profit on our deals but our mission is to help homeowners out of any situation, no matter what! There are no fees, no up front costs, no commissions and we may even pay your closing costs.
We work with realtors in Edmonton, Indianapolis and the surrounding areas. We welcome you to call us and be a part of our team.
Browse testimonials from homeowners, sellers, buyers, investors and contractors who have worked with us.